Wednesday, December 30, 2009


This past weekend really got me thinking about coaching. What it means to be a coach. The dedication it takes to be a coach. The impact of a coach.

Over the last few months we have witnessed the highs and lows of coaching. Even before the announcement and retraction of the resignation of Urban Meyer, coaches have been in the spotlight. The good, the bad, and the questionable.

What comes to mind now is health and all the pressure put on these men and women by many of us fans. We often second guess the decisions of the head coach and many times we feel we know more about how to win than they do. We develop our own theories and game plans as to how to handle an opponent. Many times we feel a red phone that will give us direct contact with the coach is necessary for our input to win games.

What is surprising is that we don't have more coaches with health issues. Maybe we do but we just haven't been informed about their situations. But my hat is off to coaches.

To me a coach is not only someone that deals with X's and O's. But someone who is a mentor, motivator, scout, father figure, boss, employee. Wearing all those hats and more it is a wonder that people line up for the open positions.

To all the dedicate coaches out there, thank you for all you do. But be sure to to take care of you. Have a healthy 2010.