Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Business of Sports

As we have witnessed over the past year sports are definitely big business. The NFL, NBA, and NCAA have demonstrated this to use time and again. Money is first and foremost, and everything falls into the background.

Typically we hear people say the right things, but their actions tell a much different story. Greed has taken over, and we no longer do what is right in many instances. We do what will sell tickets, and put fans in the seats. But some time those things don't mean it is the right thing to do.

I totally understand the business side of things, and get the fact that you need revenue to maintain or increase profits. However, when you are fighting over how to split 9 billion dollars in a terrible economy, when you try to dictate how much an owner can make, or choose a team simply because it travels well, something is wrong.

I love sports and will watch as much as I can. But I also love people and understand that loving people means putting them first, and sports has to take a backseat sometime. Sometime it means you have to sacrifice something for the greater good.

I am a business owner, scholarship founder, author, academic advisor, husband, father and a lover of sports. My hope is that sports will lead the way in showing that good sportsmanship goes beyond field or court, and it extends to the boardroom and beyond.