Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Business of Sports

As we have witnessed over the past year sports are definitely big business. The NFL, NBA, and NCAA have demonstrated this to use time and again. Money is first and foremost, and everything falls into the background.

Typically we hear people say the right things, but their actions tell a much different story. Greed has taken over, and we no longer do what is right in many instances. We do what will sell tickets, and put fans in the seats. But some time those things don't mean it is the right thing to do.

I totally understand the business side of things, and get the fact that you need revenue to maintain or increase profits. However, when you are fighting over how to split 9 billion dollars in a terrible economy, when you try to dictate how much an owner can make, or choose a team simply because it travels well, something is wrong.

I love sports and will watch as much as I can. But I also love people and understand that loving people means putting them first, and sports has to take a backseat sometime. Sometime it means you have to sacrifice something for the greater good.

I am a business owner, scholarship founder, author, academic advisor, husband, father and a lover of sports. My hope is that sports will lead the way in showing that good sportsmanship goes beyond field or court, and it extends to the boardroom and beyond.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks

By now everyone knows that the Dallas Mavericks are 2011 NBA Champions. Wow, until this year I thought that probably would never happen. In my mind that changed when the Mavericks swept the Lakers. In so doing my perception of the Mavericks changed, and I fully expected the outcome of the championship.

There were not many of us that believed that the Mavericks would win the championship, so it feels real good to be right for a change.

The Mavericks were the most complete team this year, they seemed to believe that this was their year and it showed with each comeback victory. It was a great season and a great playoff run for the New NBA Champion Dallas Mavericks. Congratulations!

Layoff LeBron

Okay people it is time to layoff LeBron, enough is enough. You may not have been rooting for him and his Heat teammates to win the 2011 NBA Championship. You may never want to see him win a championship ever, but it is time to layoff.

Of course LeBron in many of our eyes has made some mistakes in the past twelve months, but who hasn't? We have all made mistakes, but how long should we dwell on those mistakes? It is time to move on from The Decision, The Statement "not one, not two...", The Finals, and The Interview. LeBron has been overly scrutinized for all of the above. It is time to let if go and let's Live and Let Live. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nothing Better

March Madness, need I say more. The best tournament on the planet makes this time of year special. This year I didn't take the time to fill out a bracket simply because I was to uncertain about many of the teams. I know that I would not have selected VCU or Butler to make the final four, which isn't meant as a slight to either program. I simply didn't know enough about them to place them in the final four.

What is it about the tournament that makes it so special? I have to agree with a friend that said it is the format of the tournament that makes it special. Single Elimination! One bad night and you are heading home. Teams must not over look anyone or they will be gone.

Also there is an opportunity to see players and teams that you possibly haven't seen. My cousin hadn't seen Jimmer Fredette and called after he dropped a long bomb on Florida telling me I was right about him. Kemba Walker, Derrick Williams along with Butler and VCU made me want to spend more time in front of the television. For me sports wise as much as I love college football, and games leading up to the Super Bowl there is nothing better than the NCAA Basketball Tournament.