Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What would you do with $100,000?

What would you do if someone offered your child $100,000?

A scholarship athlete at some universities receive the equivalent of $100,000 in education. With tuition, room and board the cost is estimated at or above $100,000. The problem is many athletes simply don't understand what they have been given in terms of value. Even in today's economy $100,000 is a nice sum of money to possess, and would be great to invest.

An investment pays dividends and adds value to your net worth. Likewise, education pays dividends and can add value to your net worth. It is a must that we teach our young athletes to look at education as an investment for their future. We can no longer sit by and watch them throw away $100,000. If you as a parent would not let your child frivolously spend $100,000, then you shouldn't allow them to waste their $100,000 education. Make sure that the college or university knows your child wants the most bang for the buck. Meaning your child wants an education that will lead to a career after college.

We as parents, teachers, advisors and friends must get them to see the value in a good investment, education.

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