Wednesday, December 30, 2009


This past weekend really got me thinking about coaching. What it means to be a coach. The dedication it takes to be a coach. The impact of a coach.

Over the last few months we have witnessed the highs and lows of coaching. Even before the announcement and retraction of the resignation of Urban Meyer, coaches have been in the spotlight. The good, the bad, and the questionable.

What comes to mind now is health and all the pressure put on these men and women by many of us fans. We often second guess the decisions of the head coach and many times we feel we know more about how to win than they do. We develop our own theories and game plans as to how to handle an opponent. Many times we feel a red phone that will give us direct contact with the coach is necessary for our input to win games.

What is surprising is that we don't have more coaches with health issues. Maybe we do but we just haven't been informed about their situations. But my hat is off to coaches.

To me a coach is not only someone that deals with X's and O's. But someone who is a mentor, motivator, scout, father figure, boss, employee. Wearing all those hats and more it is a wonder that people line up for the open positions.

To all the dedicate coaches out there, thank you for all you do. But be sure to to take care of you. Have a healthy 2010.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What would you do with $100,000?

What would you do if someone offered your child $100,000?

A scholarship athlete at some universities receive the equivalent of $100,000 in education. With tuition, room and board the cost is estimated at or above $100,000. The problem is many athletes simply don't understand what they have been given in terms of value. Even in today's economy $100,000 is a nice sum of money to possess, and would be great to invest.

An investment pays dividends and adds value to your net worth. Likewise, education pays dividends and can add value to your net worth. It is a must that we teach our young athletes to look at education as an investment for their future. We can no longer sit by and watch them throw away $100,000. If you as a parent would not let your child frivolously spend $100,000, then you shouldn't allow them to waste their $100,000 education. Make sure that the college or university knows your child wants the most bang for the buck. Meaning your child wants an education that will lead to a career after college.

We as parents, teachers, advisors and friends must get them to see the value in a good investment, education.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

White House Basketball

I opened the mailbox and in among the bills was a letter from The White House. My first thought was what had I done? Knowing I hadn't done anything to warrant a reprimand from the president I proceeded to open the letter.

Dear Brian,

Thank you for sending me your book, I really appreciate it. Your message is one that I hope parents, teachers, preachers and everyone in the community will share with our young people.

For your kindness I would to invite you and a couple of your closest friends to the White House to play ball with me.

yada, yada, yada,

President Barack Obama

My thoughts immediately were who would I take? Could they clear security? My brother was in for sure, but who else.

That is all I remember the rest is only a blur. But somehow me and my guests ended up at the White House. After clearing security we were taken to change and meet the president for a pick up game. Following security, I could hear the sound of the ball pounding the court. As we walked in I saw President Obama shooting a jumper. It went in and he came over to meet our group.

After introductions it was time to hoop. We chose teams and started to play. The game was going well and I was shooting like Ray Allen. Game point and my team had the ball. I ran from one side to the other, through a screen and got the pass and let it go. As it left my hand I yelled "Good" knowing it was headed for the bottom of the net. Sure enough it went it and then I woke up.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Eastern Conference Final Preview?

Boston Celtics vs. Cleveland Cavaliers a great beginning to what will hopefully be a very good season.

It is going to take some time to get used to Rasheed Wallace and Shaquille O'Neal playing for their new teams. These two teams are loaded with talent and tonight's game could be a preview of what is to come.

Boston looks great with strong play both inside and outside. They are going to be very hard to beat this season if they remain healthy. Rasheed coming off the bench allows Boston to stretch the defense, which makes it impossible to double team the post with the player guarding him. He will be the key component to making another run at the championship.

Meanwhile LeBron is blocking shots like he is swatting mosquitoes. His defensive intensity has to be matched by the rest of his team to make a return to the finals. If the Cavs can pick up its defense, they have an opportunity to be very special this season, but that depends on how quickly they come together.

If I had to choose right now who will be in the 2010 NBA Finals I have to pick Boston. I feel they could possibly get 70 wins this season and still be very fresh enough to take down the Lakers in 6 games. For Boston it is 1 win down 69 more to go.

I love this game.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Detroit Shock

On October 21, 2009 the news that the Detroit Shock will be sold and moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma was disappointing. The Detroit Shock contributed half of the trophies at Six Championship Drive, it is too bad there will not be more. The ladies were great on the floor, and equally impressive as they interacted with fans outside seeking autographs. It was also great to see and meet them out in the community to provide awareness and assistance as well.

For the past couple years my daughters, my nephew and the kids of both family & friends have had the opportunity to work at a Shock game.

It was a great experience for them to work with staff of the Palace of Auburn Hills in areas such as photography, guest services, and many others. They really enjoyed the time they spent working in and around the Palace. That is will definitely be missed.

From my family to the members of the Shock, thank you for all you did to make summer in Michigan even better. Thank you for the hard work, dedication, and the championships, The Detroit Shock will be missed.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Darko Milicic

Darko I assume it was tough playing for Larry Brown and that your time in Detroit was a bit uncomfortable. But you should be thankful that Joe Dumars picked you when he did. If Joe did not pick you at number 2 where do you think you would have been picked?

If fans here would have had their way, your name would not have been called at that spot. Don’t get me wrong, your skills at 7’0” are intriguing but, the pick would have been Dwayne Wade based on what he had done in college.

So while you say your time in Detroit was the worst, just be thankful that you were the #2 pick in the draft and it came with #2 money. Joe Dumars gave you an opportunity and it just didn’t work out.

Right now the best thing for you to do is continue to improve and show the world you were indeed worth the #2 pick in the draft that year. If not, your name will forever be mentioned as a misstep by one of the best NBA Executives.
Letter to AI

Allen from the standpoint of the fans of the Detroit Pistons the trade was flawed from the beginning, not because of you, because Chauncey was involved. To many of us knew the straw that stirred the drink was Mr. Big Shot. He was not the only person responsible for the Pistons success over the years, but he played a very prominent role in it.

If you had a no trade clause in your contract you should exercised it as soon as you heard Chauncey was to be traded for you. The two of you together would have made a very formidable backcourt, and provided nightmares for other teams. But without Chauncey the trade was doomed from the start.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Recently Chauncey Billups was said to be serving as a mentor to J.R. Smith, and I think that is great. I have been a Chauncey Billups fans for quite a while now, even before he became a Piston, and helped build them win a championship. To me Chauncey has a very calm demeanor and seems to be in control. He is definitely the type of person that young people can learn from both on and off the court.

As you may know Chauncey's career started out differently than he expected. He was a high draft pick and did not seem to be living up to the expectations of the team that drafted him. He was traded a couple times before being named Finals MVP. What it shows me and I hope others is that you must maintain confidence in yourself and your abilities throughout adverse time. Chauncey was able to do that and now he wants to pass along that and other knowledge to J.R. in an attempt to help his current teammate reach his potential.

J.R. is loaded with talent and I believe he will learn and improve this year. The Denver Nuggets are in good hands with Chauncey at the helm, and J.R. could not have a better mentor, in my opinion.

Michael Beasley

Michael your life is worth more than any game, any rebound, or any basket. While I enjoy your skills on the court, please take whatever time is needed to repair your life. When you get things under control, then and only then come back.

Please say a prayer for Michael Beasley. This young man is very very talented and seems to be crying out for help with drugs and depression.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Cleveland vs. LA 2010

With the new additions to both the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Los Angeles Lakers, it appears each has taken a step toward making a run at the 2010 NBA championship.

With Shaq and Z, the Cavaliers have strength inside to deal with anyone. They can and should dominate the paint night in and night out. In which case LeBron, Delonte, Mo, and everyone else should benefit greatly. Cleveland can deal with anyone in the eastern conference right now.

The addition of Ron Artest has brought to the Lakers another good defender to go along with Kobe. Taking nothing away from Trevor Ariza, but Artest is little more rugged and can bang with LeBron. He may not stop him, but he can make it more difficult for him simply because of his size.

For Cleveland to win the series LeBron and company have to dominate inside. With the Big Fellas inside, and LeBron’s ability to get to the hole at any time, this is where the series will be won. Free throws could doom the Cavaliers chances should they shoot under 70%.

LA by contrast has to get Cleveland’s big guys outside and force them to play defense on more mobile players. If Shaq and Z are forced to guard quicker players on the perimeter, they can become fatigued and get into foul trouble. In which case Bynum, Gasol, Odom will be the difference in the repeat.

I am sure we will see Cleveland vs. LA on Christmas day to preview what we could see in the finals.

The Other Half or the NBA Final Four

The Boston Celtics and San Antonio Spurs present themselves as formidable opponents for Cleveland and LA respectively.

If Rasheed Wallace ends his career in Boston, he could give them another inside outside presence that could give Cleveland fits. His skills as a passer feeding Kevin Garnett make it impossible to double team KG, leaving him to go to work inside. If you do decide to double it has to be from the weak side leaving Ray or Paul to spot up for the three. With Rasheed, the Celtics would have an attack that could humble most teams.

The addition of Richard Jefferson has put San Antonio in contention for another title. He is a very good complimentary player that can go off to score when called upon. His size and ability to drive and hit the open jumper will have a great effect on Tim Duncan, Michael Finley, Manu Ginobili, Tony Parker and the rest of the Spurs. Look for the Spurs to make some noise during the playoffs.

Both the Eastern Conference Finals and Western Conference Finals the teams listed above are there will be even more exciting than this past year’s was. That is saying a lot because 2008 was a fantastic year in the playoff and made me fall in love with the NBA all over again.

Monday, June 29, 2009


We have all heard the phrase hindsight is 20/20 right? Looking back that phrase is definitely true, and things are crystal clear now.

I remember Shaq and Kobe winning their last championship together, and thinking this is not even fair. The two of them are so young and could challenge the Bull 6 championships in 8 years record. They could even be a part of the team that goes 73-9 to eclipse the Bulls record for wins in a season.

I remember also thinking my Pistons were in trouble going against an all-star laden Lakers team in 2004. Yeah, Rasheed made the guarantee in Indianapolis and backed it up, because of “The Block”. Chauncey, Rip, Tay, Ben and the rest of fellas were balling that year, but this was the Lakers with possibly four hall of famers, plus a hall of fame coach.

When I was sure Dwayne Wade would be chosen to wear the Red, White, and Blue with the second pick in the draft. He would be chosen for the body of work he had done in college, and would come and form the second best trio of guards in Piston History.

As you can see I have been wrong a time or two. Looking back, it is all too clear to me now. There will be plenty of times in life we are found to be wrong, but it is what you do after that makes the difference.

So I have decided after watching the 2009 NBA draft unfold, that I will take a wait and see attitude. I will wait and see if all the trades and draft choices that I thought were wrong actually turn out to be correct. I had to take off my general manager hat and just be a fan without a voice or an opinion.

That is the hard part, to just sit back and let the professionals do the job they are paid to do. But I know so much and my help could be beneficial to them, I think. But time and again my opinion is left floating in space unheard, even after screaming my advice as loud as I could at the television.

Ricky Rubio, then Johnny Flynn, and Ty Lawson too, what are you doing? DeJuan Blair second round? Oh well, I guess there is always next year. Just wait and see, that is what I have to remind myself time and again.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Now What?

Now that the NBA Finals are complete and we have a new champion, now what? No men's basketball for 5 months.

To fill my Basketball Jones, I will be tuning in to check out the WNBA, and supporting their 2008 champion Detroit Shock. For anyone who hasn't given the WNBA a look, please do so. The game is still the game, so tune in to see them do their thing.

I will be playing as much outdoors as my knees can take. There is nothing like playing outside and hearing the sound of chain nets, if you can find them anymore. I will also be watching Black Magic, reading books, and attending AAU tournaments all in the effort to satisfy my Basketball Jones. November can't come soon enough.

Dwight Howard

D you are a very good young player that has a very bright future. This summer watch tape of Patrick Ewing steal his jumper, Hakeem Olajuwon steal his footwork, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar steal the sky hook, David Robinson steal his free throw shooting. Combine their unique talents with those you already possess and the sky is the limit for you. There are plenty of other examples to watch and learn from, and I am sure you will because that just seems like the type of young man your are. All the best to you, keep smiling and enjoying the game.


If you are like me, you like the fact that President Barack Obama is a baller. He enjoys shooting the rock just as much as many of us do, and follows the game as we know from his NCAA bracket. If you like to follow what President Obama is doing in and around the basketball court check out Baller-In-Chief blog by Claude Johnson, it is well worth reading.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Letter to LeBron

Dear LeBron,

As a fan I can't help but be interested in your career. You seem to be a great young man with enormous talent. I miss the LeBron's this season and hope they make a return. But, my concern is free agency and what that could mean for you.

For several years my friends and I made at least one trip per season to Cleveland from the great State of Michigan to enjoy a weekend that featured the Cavaliers. It has come to my attention that you could become a free agent next year and decide to play elsewhere.

This is where I come in to bring light to what could be a dark situation. You are currently enjoying the dream of playing in your home state, not far from where you grew up in Akron. There is no need to leave now or later in your career. Cleveland is where you belong, unless you would like to move up north a bit. Seriously, you have to do what is best for you and I fully understand that. But, what is best for you is Cleveland and that also happens to be great for me.

Cleveland is but a 2 1/2 hour trip south from my house to the Q, barring a stop by Ohio's finest that is. I've seen the transformation in Cleveland since you arrived. My first trip down was for Michael Jordan's last game at Gund Arena, and for that game my friends and I could have sat courtside. Tickets courtside would have been great, however we chose a different option that provided for more excitement. In contrast, for our last trip there we were sitting up near the catwalk, pretty much a step from the roof. But the excitement was great, you put on a show that night. But of course we are hoping for better seats next time. Please put in a good word with the ticket people for me.

Cleveland is where you belong and I just don't think you should even consider going anywhere else. That is unless of course you want to wear Red, White and Blue. Just a thought.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Game Two Drama!

Whew! I love this game. Both conference final games have been great, superstars have stepped forward and lifted their teams to victory. The road teams have played exceptionally well, and won on their opponents court, it has been great so far.

Chauncey, Melo and the Nuggets rising up and taking a victory in LA. LeBron hitting a big shot with one second left avoid a 2-0 deficit to the Magic. The 2009 playoffs have been filled with combacks, determination, strength, stamina and plenty of drama. What a way to start a holiday weekend.

I can't wait for each game three.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

And The Winner Is

NBA Draft

The Los Angeles Clippers won the draft lottery and will undoubtedly select Blake Griffin number 1 in the upcoming 2009 NBA draft. With this selection it appears that the Clippers could make a huge jump in wins. Blake Griffin is the next piece of the puzzle for this seemingly always struggling franchise. He will bring toughness, skill and could become the face of the franchise, that is if he stays in LA beyond his initial contract. Congratulations, now get to work, BD (Baron Davis) needs to be in the 2010 playoofs.

Lakers vs. Nuggets

Kobe and Melo put on show in game 1 of the western conference finals on Tuesday night. The difference in the game was Chauncey Billups uncharacteristically missing three free throws. Nah, can't blame it on Chauncey it was a close game and could have gone either way. It is just he is shooting at over 90%, he seems automatic and many times he has been. Unfortunately he had an off night from the line. I am sure he will be back to his old self in game 2

WOW! Orlando

Orlando Magic have surprised me twice within the last week, pulling off the big victory in Boston and now in Cleveland. They have a good team, but the only question mark was could they be tough enough to move on. They seem to be using their size advantage, and doing all the right things to win ball games. Let's see just how far they go.

Friday, May 1, 2009


As a basketball fan I consider the NCAA Basketball tournament the pinnacle in terms of pure excitement. Nothing compares, to the three weekends of upsets and expectations met by tournament participants. That is until I started watching the first round of the NBA Playoffs featuring the defending Champion Boston Celtics versus Chicago Bulls.

This series has had dramatic moment after dramatic moment. Six games, seven overtimes, high scoring, good defense, hard fouls, blood, sweat, but no tears just yet.

Each night a new hero emerges, Derrick Rose, Rajon Rondo, Ben Gordon, Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, Joakim Noah and the list goes on.

Games six was one of the best games I have witnessed in quite some time. The young upstart Bulls going toe to toe with the veteran laden Celtics. Whew! They are bringing it in this series.

If game seven is anything like the previous six, you better not miss it May 2 at 8:00pm. Man, I Love This Game.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

In February 2009 we witnessed many young men sign letters of intent to play football for colleges and universities across the country. Television coverage, talk radio, and newspapers were at the high schools of these talented teens, just to see what schools they would choose.

March brought us the most exciting tournament in either professional or college sports, the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament. Along with all the attention placed on the future and current student athletes, come great expectations.

In both instances many of us think which player has the potential to become the next great professional athlete? From the time they enter college until the time of their exit their every move will be evaluated and scrutinized.

As the NCAA states in its commercials, of the thousands of athletes it represents, many will go pro in something other than sports. Knowing this, what happens if they are not chosen to play professionally? With that thought in mind our focus as parents, teachers, administrators and advisors is to emphasize the use of “The Network”.

The Network includes coaches, professors, advisors, former athletes, current students and alumni. The network can be a valuable asset to those that know how to use it. It can open doors to new opportunities in many aspects of life, from athletics to career options; the network is a viable source for many.

As they go off to college, or exit from it, we must teach our young people to build and utilize their own network to help them reach their goals in life. We have to teach them to use but never abuse the network and what it stands for. It is a way up, a way out, and a way to receive guidance.

To make proper use of the network, we must inform them that they must protect their name, by staying away from trouble. Typically, many don’t understand the consequences of this, and subject themselves and their families to more scrutiny. They must realize they need to carry themselves with class and dignity at all times. Participate only in things in which their family, the institution, and community will be proud of.

Also we must inform them that while they have an obligation to the institution that they represent, the institution has an obligation to them as well. For example, a college player interested in sports management, or sports training should ask for assistance finding an internship in those fields. Coaches, or the school's career center would welcome the opportunity to help a player fulfill this request.

We that are in a position to help must do so not for material gain, but to better a young persons chances to be successful. That is what the network is all about, helping someone find what they need along this journey called life.

So while we marvel at the skills of these athletes, let’s be sure to inform them of the opportunity they have to utilize the network within college sports. The network is strong and can help build a bridge to a better life for athletes and future generations as well. Let’s keep moving young men and women forward with help from The Network.